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The murals on 7th Street in Little Rock have been defaced several times in the last few months.


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Murals with messages of peace and social justice have been popping up along 7th Street in Little Rock since 2016.


In Barrio Logan, Artist Tatiana Ortiz moves her brush and with each movement color flows. She has created a mural that “presents a statement of the simple yet powerful gesture of covering our nose and mouth in order to protect ourselves and others. This is an act of love and one of recognition that we are connected now more than ever, not only as a community or a country but as a whole world.” Those words and work were presented by the San Diego Union Tribune in April 2021, right in the midst of the Corona Virus pandemic.


Trash No Land has seen an increase of graffiti on public lands in the past 2-3 years. So much so, that the staff at Trash No Land decided to do something about it. Remove it and restore the natural features of our great outdoors.


It's 9 o'clock in the morning and it's already a blistering 90 degrees out, but Ryan Faretta and Julian Woodard are hard at work out on the streets of Canyon Country.Sweating it out under the blazing sun with their pressure washers and vacuums, they don't miss a single spot as they expertly scrape, wipe and flush away all signs of graffiti from a wall, a sidewalk and a palm tree trunk along Whites Canyon Road.As Faretta finishes eradicating the last few remnants of paint, Woodard heads to his vehicle to start inputting the details of the job into his on-board...


Executive Director of the Social & Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Carlos Rogel, and his team at SPARC'S Mural Rescue Team recently trekked from Venice, California to Durham, North Carolina to protect more than 35,0000 square feet of public art at UHILL Walls with the tried and proven MuralShield Preservation System. The process consisted of two steps: First, the application of MuralShield. MuralShield is designed to both protect and conserve fine at acrylic murals.Second, the application of World's Best Graffiti Coating (WBGC). WBGC is a sacrificial coating that provides graffiti protection and enables quick graffiti removal without damaging the underlying...


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